This system is intended to foster community education and the
    spiritual and intellectual enrichment of its users through
    the peaceable interchange of ideas.

The members of this system hope to attract a large, diverse, and
    mature group of thinking individuals and thereby to contribute
    to a better-informed citizenry.

Governance of the system is based on cooperative principles,
    including open membership, democratic control, and non-
    profit economics.

This is an open-access system; the public is welcome.  However,
    regular users are encouraged to become members and help
    support the system financially.  Voting on system policy
    matters is restricted to members.

It should go without saying that the system is specifically NOT
    intended for any illegal purpose.

Users are asked to be considerate of others, and are especially
    asked to make a point of setting a good example for those
    few who may from time to time fail to return the favor.